25 June 2010

Soccer - The Beautiful Game

I am so proudly South African at the moment. I feel like I have waited a lifetime to experience the patriotism around me. I have to restrain myself every time I see a flag-bedecked car pass by. We were only included in the line-up because we were the host country, but our team went out with a bang, not a whimper. They conducted themselves with dignity and made the nation proud. I am sure that the way the crowd sang the national anthem with hands over their hearts, the sound of the vuvuzelas and the waving flags spurred them on to achieve beyond expectations. We deserved to beat France. 

I want to savour every minute of this World Cup period. There is something tangibly different in the air at the moment - an energy, a vibe, a rhythm to the city and the people that speaks of hope and passion and loyalty. I wish we could burn the moment into our memory and carry this time with us. Now more than any other time since 1994, I feel what it is we were fighting for. I want my children to soak this up into their pores and hold their heads up high, because they are South African. And soccer did this - no wonder they call it The Beautiful Game.

I have been so inspired that, when the rest of my family went up to Durban for the night for the Portugal vs Brazil match (I have my limits!), I sat down to figure out how to set up this blog. Being the techno-phobe that I am, I am almost as proud of myself as of our team!

Bafana Bafana may be out of the competition but we have pulled together to stage a world-class event. South Africa welcomes you! 


Anonymous said...

Viva South Africa! I agree 100%. Walking around with a flag in my bun and flags on my car. I am proud to be South African! Great post! :)

Unknown said...

Viva. South Africans can be proud. They opened their doors and hearts to the many Visitors during the World Cup. Reading your Article, 5 months after the event still gives me gooseflesh, and a feeling of immense pride,and gratitude. I pray that the seeds thus sown will grow, albeit slowly, and that the patriotism that prevailed during the World Cup may continue in the hearts of all South Africans. Bou Bruggie