19 April 2012

Go For It

Towards the end of last year I came across a great school diary filled with ideas to "change the world", called "Go For It".  It starts off with a little quizz to check your eco-score, so that you can check your own lifestyle before you take on the problems of the world. It looks at the things you do, like turning off the lights or filling up the kettle with only as much water as you need,  picking up rubbish in the street when you see it,  performing random acts of kindness and using the political process to voice your concern on issues.

With two days a page it has suggestions of simple actions to help make a difference. I like the entry for 20/21 February which quotes Mandela's saying:

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. if you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart." 

There is then a suggestion to learn one of South Africa's 11 languages - even if it is only 20 phrases that you could use as much as possible. 

Another entry for 13/14 June talks about the many changes that are still needed in our country and encourages the youth to join up with other youth activists to make themselves heard. There is a suggestion to visit a website: www.youthnoise.com. 

The diary is only available in KwaZulu Natal this year but I hope that it will be available nationally next year. The positive message is inspiring but it is the practical information that is of enormous value. So often we want to do something but don't know where to start. 

The diary is based on Michael Norton's book, 365 Ways to Change the World.

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