05 October 2012

Socialising in the 21st Century

The modern version of having friends around...

The school holidays have whizzed by. My daughter is still at university, so for the first time it has hardly felt like a holiday -  everyone has carried on doing what they normally do, except for my son.

Well, I say hardly felt like a holiday except for the "men" lounging around in our living room, playing games, pretending to be socialising with each other!  They looked up only when they needed to refuel and then actually spoke to each other.

It is an ongoing challenge trying to instil a balance - there is so much interfacing with technology. Granted, they did spend hours playing hockey or soccer followed by hours on the couch...so I guess it does sort of balance out. Plenty of time to think about creative ways of engaging before the bumper end of year holidays...any ideas?
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