05 November 2012

Running shoes, Mattresses and Husbands

So I am into my third month of Run/Walk for Life and have been clocking up the kilometres. I am feeling quite proud of myself - I am going faster and further and am now well into a routine. As I told my husband, this is not for sissies. Being part of a structured program has definite rewards, not least of which is the encouragement to turn up regularly. 

We were having a chat about sports shoes the other day. It is so difficult to get the right pair especially when you are a certain age and aches and pains start to make themselves felt. You really only find out if they are right for you after you have walked a distance in them and then it's too late to return them. 

The variety of shoes available can be quite confusing and you need to accommodate for personal quirks like pronation and supination, heel strike and width of foot. If you are not careful the ill-fitting shoe may have caused a chain reaction all the way up to your back...the ankle bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone and so on! As a fellow-walker observed, there are many expensive things that you actually need to try out  before you buy...like running shoes, mattresses and husbands!

I came across an article on choosing the right sports shoe on the Health24 website which may be helpful.

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