28 September 2012

Making a Difference, Building a Country

There will always be those who focus on the negative and try to drag others down with them. I am so tired of people who are convinced that the country is going down the drain. After being on the receiving end of just such a person's negativity recently, and bemoaning the fact that there is so much negative news around me, I have decided to dig up some positive news myself. 

Every week or so, I will write a short blog on the people around me who are just getting on with it and building a more positive SA - the ordinary people who are quietly making a difference without any fanfare. The plan is to have a short blog that answers two questions:

What do you do?
Why do you do it?

So, if you know of anyone out there who fits the profile, let me know and I will include them. Look out for Project Playground and Masikhule in my next blogs...

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