15 August 2011

Day 15 - halfway there!

Day 15 and halfway there! I can feel my body getting stronger and twice I checked my watch at the end of a class, not believing that the time had gone so quickly. I have 30 sponsors and so now I just have to keep going in honour of all the support.

It has been quite a journey so far. And as I look back over the last two weeks, I recognise the different stages of the journey. There was the enthusiastic beginning. Then moving through resistance and struggle when my body seemed to be in rebellion and for good measure threw a bad cold at me to cope with.

And now here I am in this sweet place, wondering whether I could actually get addicted to all this. I have a sore wrist right now which is serving to remind me to listen to my body and to be true to myself. Yoga is such a personal process, not about impressing anyone – it’s between me and my body. 

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