05 August 2011

Yoga Lent Day 5

This morning I felt like I was moving through mud! My body seemed to not want to take direction from my brain. As I pushed back into downward dog, I wondered what it would be like if my arms and legs simply collapsed and I landed, “splat!” onto the mat. No chance of that though with my new, earth-friendly rubber mat, which made sure that I was going nowhere!

As the class progressed, I could feel myself yielding, and allowing my body to flow through the postures it knows so well.  I think that is part of the journey, pushing through the resistance and onto the other side.

This afternoon I curled up into a little spot of sunshine on the couch of my bedroom and drifted off into a delicious little snooze. As I woke, I twitched my limbs and felt out the muscles which seem to be asserting themselves. All I can think of is that it is going to get better. I just have to show up on the mat.  


oceangirl said...

What a sweet, lovely entry. Do you know that you write differently when you do yoga everyday? I can't believe you napped!

Unknown said...

I feel like I am in a different space right now.

Anonymous said...

Your message was just what I needed to push through a difficult challenge I am experiencing. So I am just letting it happen. Thanks for that reminder.

gigi jenkin said...

Love your blog, it is so great that we are all on this journey together. Looking forward to reading the next installment xxx