30 August 2011

Yoga Lent comes to an end

This morning I did the last class of my 30 day Yoga Challenge. I feel a little sad that it is all over but happy that I have completed it. I feel stronger, more focussed and my body is thanking me for the detox that went along with the yoga.  I am proud to have risen to the challenge, to have dragged my body through the “mud” to show up on the mat and I’m humbled by the many friends who have supported me.

Over the last month I have attended classes by 13 different teachers, been to class morning, noon and night, and experienced Vinyasa Flows, Ashtanga, Pilates Fusion and Hatha Yoga – it has been a veritable smorgasbord from which I have been fortunate to sample.

It feels like each muscle in my body has been acknowledged, and those that complained have been soothed. This last week I have felt so good – full of energy and in that ‘golden space of yoga’ as Melissa calls it. I have been a good enough advert that at least three people are ready to join in next year!

Like many challenges, it seems that it has come to an end so quickly, after the slow grind to the top of the hill or the halfway mark. But once you crest the hill, it’s freewheeling all the way down and you feel the wind in your hair and the smile on your face. 

“For in truth it is life which gives unto life - while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.”
                                                                                                                                  Kahlil Gibran 

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