09 August 2011

Day Nine - Look how far I've come!

Yesterday I was feeling like wounded-man-walking. The night before, I swear that my joints were communicating with each other in some kind of painful Morse code – throb-throb, throb-throb-throb.  Over the weekend we were invited to “the dance between yes and no” – ‘no’ postures close up the body and ‘yes’ postures open up the body to feel joy. It’s all about attitude – posturing yourself the right way; a bit like “fake it till you make it”. The next day I was on the mat opening up my heart to love. All the talk about love and joy distracted me from the hard work – so I was a little surprised that I was so achy. I was glad of the more gentle Hatha class I did yesterday morning.

The great thing about this challenge is the exposure to different teachers. Although I think I am pretty much at the stage where I know who and what I like, it is nice to have a change and get an injection of a fresh point of view.

Last night I was feeling like I was about to succumb to the flu or something so I got into a hot mustard bath and dosed myself with Vitamin C. I still a felt a little delicate this morning but I took myself off to class this morning (showing up on the mat) and I am glad I did. It’s a matter of keeping your eye on the ball, having the end in sight and riding out the rough patches.

This morning I looked back between my legs when I pushed into child’s pose. The sun had made a pattern on my mat as it shone through the shutters. It looked like I was standing on a ladder. It occurred to me that I could either choose to see this journey as: “Yikes! What a long way still to go up!” or as: “Wow! Look how far I have come!” 


Anonymous said...

I feel inspired by your blog. I have completed bootcamp day 2, every part is throbbing! But 8am tomorrow I will go back to class.

Unknown said...

Keep going! They tell me it gets better after the second week!